Functional Nutrition

Functional Clinical Nutrition has 5 basic principles:

1st Biochemical individuality

This principle will guide nutritional therapy, which should always take into account the signs and symptoms presented by the patient and their individual needs. We mustn't forget that a large part of the expression of our genes depends on the environment. Therefore, we may have different needs and deficiencies depending on our environment.

2nd Patient-centred treatment

Treatment is directed at the patient and not the disease. The individual is approached as a whole, a set of interrelated systems that are influenced by environmental, emotional and dietary factors, individual history of pathologies and use of medication, lifestyle habits and physical activity.

3th Nutritional balance and bioavailability of nutrients

It is important to offer nutrients in adequate quantities and in balance and synergy with all the others, so that their absorption and use by the cells is optimised.

4th Interrelationships and physiological factors

All of our body's functions are interconnected. The web of Functional Nutrition considers the mutual interrelationship of all internal biochemical processes, so that one influences the other, generating disorders that cover the various systems.

5º Health as positive vitality

Health is not merely the absence of disease, but the result of various relationships between the organic systems, which is why we must analyse the physical, mental and emotional signs and symptoms that may be at the root of the problems presented.
We work with the various aspects of functional nutrition:

  • Weight Loss
  • Mum and Baby
  • Oncology
  • Detox
  • Immune boosting
  • General health
  • Couples

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