

It consists of the use of soft tissue mobilisation and joint manipulation techniques.


It works on well-being and emotional balance, offering patients tools.

Quantum Therapy

Without the use of medication, quantum therapy boosts the body's self-healing power. It's safe, relaxing and has no side effects.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

It's a type of medicine that uses a set of practices from China. It prevents and treats illnesses for those looking for solutions outside or in conjunction with conventional medicine.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Método de limpeza do intestino grosso com o objetivos de extrair resíduos, toxinas e toda a matérias que não é absorvida pelo organismo. Ajuda na

Therapeutic massages

They relieve the pain of muscle contractures, pain due to poor posture, pain resulting from stress or repetitive strain.

Dark Field Microscopy

Dark Field Microscopy (DBM) is a qualitative analysis of blood that, through the collection of a small capillary drop (finger) and the observation.

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